The County Star Barn Quilt PDF Pattern

The County Star Barn Quilt PDF Pattern


The County Star Barn Quilt is a foundation paper pieced pattern made with a set of templates that are repeated in different colors to make the unique starry layout. Templates are included for two different sized blocks, 12” and 22”. Yardage requirements and cutting instructions are included for both. County Star Blocks can be turned and combined in infinite ways to make new designs.

Fabric used on cover is Kona Cotton solids, Manchester, Manchester Metallic, and Yarn Dyed Essex by Robert Kaufman Fabrics.

Finished Quilt: 40” x 40” (12” block) -or- 74” x 74” (22” block)

Instructions assume a knowledge of foundation paper piecing. If you are new to paper piecing or just want a thorough explanation of the construction of these blocks, please visit our Tutorials page

Before beginning this pattern copy or trace the PATTERN TEMPLATES at 100% to retain your original templates. Templates must be printed on 8.5” x 11” paper (12” block) or 11” x 17” paper (22” block) on a dark enough setting to retain all details.

The download is a PDF file containing 8 pages. For best results print the first four instruction pages in color and all additional pages in grayscale. The first six pages are 8.5” x 11” and the last two are 11” x 17”.

THIS IS FOR A PDF DOWNLOAD. For a paper pattern, please inquire at your local quilt shop.  

The secure link to the pdf pattern will be automatically delivered via e-mail as soon as your payment is received. The e-mail you receive will include the link to download the file directly to your computer. 

Our shopping cart system only allows you to download for 24 hours after purchase. We wish we could change this setting, but we can not. If your download expires, DON'T PANIC, simply email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can :)

PDF pattern is for personal use only and may not be copied or shared in any form. Thank you!

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